Plays and Playwrights

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5 ways the musical Annie deals with The Great Depression

Annie isn’t just an exciting engaging musical about a little girl finding a new family and helping out America become great again along the way. It also covers the Great Depression in great depth. Here are 5 ways that Annie deals with The Great Depression.

The Crucible: Exploring the plot

The Crucible. Liberty in the face of mass hysteria. As important a message today as it was when in the written. Explore the plot with these engaging and challenging tasks. A plot that sets out to deal with accusation and persecution with scant regard to either evidence or due process.

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Rebecca Lenkiewicz

Rebecca Lenkiewicz is an amazing and engaging British playwright and screenwriter. She writes the most engaging and realistic characters that explore and illuminate the lives of marginalised women. Her work is great for GCSE or A Level students to explore and perform.

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Two by Jim Cartwright

This was a play I was introduced to at a teacher conference several years ago by someone who said it was a brilliant GCSE text. They said it was brilliant, that it had revolutionised their approach to text based performances and had got excellent marks for it. To be honest it was the last bit… Continue reading Two by Jim Cartwright

Biography of Georg Buchner

Georg Buchner (pronounced Buechner) was born on October 17, 1813 in the small town of Goddelau, in Hessen, Germany. His father, a scientist and rationalist, primed him from an early age with a scientific approach to the world, which would later manifest itself in the sharp, realistic, and critical nature of his writing. Buchner grew… Continue reading Biography of Georg Buchner

Religious Imagery in Woyzeck

There is a tremendous amount of religious imagery in the play, which I think is often overlooked by some. Specifically, Buchner uses the figures of Christ, the Virgin Mary to underscore his points about human nature and suffering. After all, Woyzeck is born on the day of the Feast of the Annunciation, which celebrates Christ’s conception.… Continue reading Religious Imagery in Woyzeck


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