Meet Keith Burt

My name is Keith Burt and I am the author of Burts Drama. For nearly 20 years I have worked in Drama Education since graduating from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. For most of those years I’ve been both a Drama Teacher and a Head of Department in a variety of schools with different contexts, localities and circumstances. I’ve also worked as part of a School Improvement Team, Project Manager for Cross-Arts Education Projects and an Artistic Director of a Theatre Company. I have studied both Drama and Education and Leadership and Management in Education at Masters Level. I am an outstanding drama practitioner, a national  conference speaker, an author, School Governor, Certified Microsoft Educator and served on the executive council for National Drama.

Throughout all my experiences and different roles in my career my focus has always been on the classroom and what takes place there. I believe that teaching the Arts to young people, and working with young people through the art, is very important. I fundamentally believe in teaching the making of artistic creation and studying the art created by others makes people better people and equips them with the skills they need to make a success of themselves in whatever field of employment they go into the future. Please feel free to read my Drama Manifesto to learn more about the fundamental principles that lie behind the way I work and what I do.

Please get in contact me with. I am always happy to help teachers, schools and other organisations. I’d also be pleased to review a product, post a guest blog or highlight any good cause. Just use the form below and I will respond as soon as I can.

Some of my current and past clients include The BBC, Picturehouse Cinema, Teaching Drama Magazine and National Drama